Chemical Evolution and the Origin of Life free ebook download
The recent dramatic growth of research into the origins of life has led to the formation of a new, interdisciplinary branch of science Exo/Astrobiology, the ambitious goal of which is the study of the phenomenon of “life” in our universe. In this
insightful overview for the interested layman, Rauchfuss reviews the manifold attempts of scientists to find answers to the question of “where” life comes from. After an historical introduction, he surveys the origin of the universe, the solarsystem, our Earth, meteorites and comets. Then he explains experiments and theories on chemical evolution, followed by treatments of proteins, peptides and their possible protoforms. Further chapters deal with important hypotheses and theories onbiogenesis, for example inorganic systems, hydrothermal vents and the models proposed by key theorists. A discussion of basic theoretical questions, the chirality problem, and the search for the first traces of life follow, with details on theformation of the protocell. Finally the question of extraterrestrial life forms, both within and outside our solar system, concludes the book. Reporting on both successes and failures, Rauchfuss makes it clear that very many open questions andunsolved riddles are still awaiting answers, indeed many more than often admitted.
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