97th Indian Science Congress held at
Tiruvananthapuram in Jan 2010. The theme of this year congress was ‘
Science & Technology of 21st Century- National Perspective’.
The longest annular solar eclipse on
the third millennium occur on 15 Jan 2010. The next annular solar
eclipse will be visible in year 3043. Annular eclipse is occurred when
the sun is visible like a ring of fire, with the moon darkening its
centre. The last annular solar eclipse visible from India was occurred
in 1976. In July 2010 also, a total solar eclipse will be occurred.
There are three strains of wild Polio
virus namely P1, P2 & P3. Type 2 wild Polio virus (P2) was
eliminated from the world in 1999.
First public hearing on the
introduction of Bt Brinjal (First Genetically Modified Food Crop in
India) was held in Kolkatta. Seven such public hearing are being
organized by Centre for Environment Education, for opinion of public in
respect of introduction of Bt Brinjal. 2nd hearing was held at
50th anniversary of creation of LASER
is being celebrated in 2010. Theodore Maiman constructed the first LASER
in May 1960. LASER stands for Light Amplification for Stimulated
Emission of Radiation. Charles H Townes was father of MASER.