1.The head quarters of international whaling commission
a) newyork
b) Kyoto
c) perth
d) Cambridge
2)Icreased defoliation in plants is caused by
a) ozone depletion
b) acid rains
c) global warming
d) ground pollution
3) The Himalayan ibex is a type of
a) goat
b) deer
c) ass
d) cattle
4) For providing environmental information to decision makers, policy planners, scientists and engineers, research workers, etc. all over the country., ENVIS was established in the year
5) which of the following is not a mission listed under NATIONAL ACTION PLAN ON CILMATE CHANGE(NAPCC)
a) national mission on sustainable development
b) national mission on enhanced energy efficiency
c) national mission on sustainable Himalayan ecosystem
d) national mission on strategic knowledge for climate change
6) The only conference of parties held in India
a) cop-12
b) cop-13
c) c0p-14
d) c0p-15
7) who wrote the book “hotspots:revisited”
a) walter rosen
b) Norman myers
c) russel mittermeier
d) Rachel Carson
8) The state bird of uttarakhand
a) monal
b) Indian bustard
c) Indian roller
d) sarus crane
9) The year declared by UN as International Year of Forests
a) 2011
b) 2010
c) 2009
d) 2008
10) National biodiversity authority is located a
a) Thiruvananthapuram
b) chennai
c) Imphal
d) shimla
11) The greenhouse gas with high heat trapping capability
a) carbondioxide
b) nitrous oxide
c) sulphur hexa flouride
d) methane
12) Consider the following statements
1) ocean acidification due to global warming activates coral growth
2) global warming may result in increased agricultural yield in certain parts of the earth
The correct statements
a) only 1
b) only 2
c) both 1 and 2
d) neither 1 nor 2
13) The primordial earth’s atmosphere was
a) reducing
b) with free oxygen
c) cooler
d) all of these
14) The number of biosphere reserves in india recognized as a part of world network of biospheres
a) 4
b) 5
c) 6
d) 7
15) Growing rice results in the release of ________ into the atmosphere
a) methane
b) nitrous oxide
c) ozone
d) hydroflurocarbons
16) What is the difference between a threatened species and an endangered species?
(a) A threatened species means that the population is likely to become endangeredAn endangered species has population numbers so low that it is likely to become extinct
(b) A threatened species is already extinct. An endangered species means that the population’s numbers have increased greatly over the last 5 years
(c) A threatened species means that the population is likely to become endangered. An endangered species is already extinct
(d) A threatened species and an endangered species are the same
17) Edge species
(a) decrease biodiversity
(b) only exist in areas that have been altered by humans
(c) require the unique homogenous edge environment
(d) may require conditions found in both of the bordering ecosystems
18) which of the following is a native species of India
a) Two horned rhinoceros
b) rhesus monkey
c) komodo dragon
d) none
19) Which book written by Rachel Carson resulted in banning DDT in USA
a) silent spring
b) the enviraonmentalism
c) biomagnification
d) food chain
20) which of the following competition is severe
a) intra specific
b) inter specific
c) extra specific
d) none
21) The water (prevention and control ) pollution act came into force in the year
a) 1972
b) 1974
c) 1977
d) 1981
22) The conference on 'the human environment" held from 5 to 16 June 1972 was held in ...
a. Stockholm, Sweden
b. Tbilisi, Soviet Union
c. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
d. Kyoto, Japan
23) Man and biosphere programme is affiliated with...
c. WWF
24) What does "system" imply in the term "ecosystem"?
a. environment
b. Interdependent complex
c. System approach
d. ecological systems
25). The term "ecology" was defined for the first time in 1970 by...
a. Haeckel
b. St. Hilaire
c. Jackson Mivart
d. H. Reiter
26)The "Vienna Convention" related with environment is basically related with..
a. international trade in endangered species
b. protection of ozone layer
c. biodiversity conservation
d. preservation of cultural environment
27)Which of the following gases has an important role in maintaining atmosphere temperature?
a. nitrogen
b. Oxygen
c. argon
d. Carbon dioxide
28)The world’s biggest GHG emitter
d.south Africa
29)The outermost zone of a biosphere reserve is
a. manipulation zone
b. core zone
c. buffer zone
d. any of these
30) Identify the correct match of a tiger reserve and the state in which it is located
a. Corbett—Madhya Pradesh
b. darra—rajasthan
d. Bandipur—Tamil Nadu.
2 a.
3. a
12 b
13 a
14 d
15 a
16 a
17 d
18 d
19 a
20 a
21 b
22 a
23 a
24 b
25 d
26 b
27 d
28 a
29 a
30 b