is the 3rd set of 120 Current Affairs quizzes. These quizzes will equip
you to take all competitive examinations as well. These quizzes are
based on Corporate, Economy, Sports, Science, National Current Affairs
of India. This will make you better prepared to face competitive
examinations like that of IBPS CWE, Bank PO, RRB, NABARD, RBI, LIC,
Civil Services, MBA etc.
1. The union
government of India on 1 February 2012 gave the approval for setting up a
National Council for Senior Citizens. It will be headed by the minister
of____a) External Affairs
b) Social Justice and Empowerment
c) Home
d) Finance
Answer: (b) Social Justice and Empowerment
2. As per the latest Sample registration System( SRS) bulletin, December 2011 released by the Registrar General of India(RGI), it is noted that Infant Mortality Rate(IMR) dropped further from __ to __ infant deaths per 1000 live births during 2010.
a) 50; 47
b) 52; 49
c) 53; 48
d) 48; 47
Answer: (a) 50; 47
3. In the period from January to November 2011, Sri Lanka received just over 7.5 lakh tourists. Of this, over 1.5 lakh were Indians. Indians constituted about what per cent of the tourists to Sri Lanka in 2011?
a. 20%
b. 11%
c. 27%
d. 31%
Answer: (a)
4. The Review Committee on the Delhi School Education Act and Rules 1973 submitted its report to Chief Minister Sheila Dikshit on 30 January 2012. Which of the following facts are not true in this regard?
1. The committee was chaired by legal expert Manish Kumar Gaur. The other members of the committee were Abha Joshi and Shailja Chandra.
2. The committee’s report is aimed at bringing about purposeful amendments to the Act and related rules
3. The committee, constituted in April 2011 was mandated to examine all issues related to DSEAR-73
4. It suggested a new concept of conducting school inspections with the primary focus being on the learning outcomes of children.
a. 2 & 3
b. 3 & 4
c. Only 3
d. Only 1
Answer: (d)
5. Freedom fighter and one of the doyens of Indian diplomacy who was an architecht of of the 1971 Indo-Soviet Treaty passed away in New Delhi on 31 january 2012. Identify him.
a. A K Damodaran
b. Prakash Shah
c. Bali Ram Bhagat
d. Shyam Nandan Prasad Mishra
Answer: (a)
6. Which electronic gadget maker predicting a fourth consecutive year of losses, named Kazuo Hirai as chief executive officer, replacing Howard Stringer?
a. Sony
b. Samsung Electronics
c. Videocon
d. Hitachi
Answer: (a)
7. Binani Industries, the holding company of Braj Binani group, cquired a Belgian fibreglass company for 275 million euros. The Belgian company is a leading manufacturer of fibreglass in Europe. Name the Belgian company.
1. 1B
2. 2B
3. 3B
4. F2B
Answer: (c)
8. Which state run company signed an agreement with its trade unions for increase in the wages under which minimum guaranteed benefit would be 25% of gross?
b. CIL
c. IOC
Answer: (b)
9. Which of the following banks filed a criminal complaint against Sterling Biotech, and its six directors, for allegedly defaulting on repayments on credit facilities provided by the public sector lender?
a. State Bank of Travancore
b. State Bank of Mysore
c. State Bank of Patiala
d. State Bank of Indore
Answer: (b)
10. Shailesh Rao, managing director (media & platforms) at Google’s Asia-Pacific operations, left the world’s biggest Internet search company to set up the international business of which of the following companies?
a. Yahoo
b. Rediffmail
c. Skype
d. Twitter
Answer: (d)