No. | Question | Answer |
01 | The theory of relativity was propounded by | Albert Einstein |
02 | The principal metal used in manufacturing steel is | Iron |
03 | An altimeter is used for measuring | Altitude |
04 | Oology is the study of | Birds eggs |
05 | Radioactivity was discovered by | Henry Bacquerel |
06 | The metal used in storage batteries is | Lead |
07 | The instrument used to measure the relative humidity of air is | Hygrometer |
08 | Barometer was invented by | Torricelli |
09 | The unit of power is | Watt |
10 | Radium was discovered by | Marie and Pierrie Curie |
11 | The existence of isotopes was discovered by | Frederick Soddy |
12 | Dynamo was invented by | Michael Faraday |
13 | The nuclear reactor was invented by | Enrico Ferni |
14 | The law of gravitation was propounded by | Sir Isaac Newton |
15 | Crescograph was invented by | J.C.Bose |
16 | Crescograph is used to measure the | Rate of growth of a plant |
17 | Galileo’sfirst scientific discovery was | Pendulum |
18 | Microscope was invented by | Aaton Van Leewen Hock |
19 | The scientist who is known as father of modern biology is | Aristotle |
20 | The first person to see a cell under microscope was | Robert Hooke |
21 | The smallest flowering plant is | Worffia |
22 | The four blood groups were discovered by | Karl Landsteiner |
23 | Sodium was discovered by | Sir Humphry Davy |
24 | The atomic number of oxygen is | Eight |
25 | The basic building blocks of proteins are | Amino acids |
26 | The botanical name of the cotton plant is | Gossipium Hirsutum |
27 | An Electroscope is used to | Detect charges on a body |
28 | The unit of loudness is | Phon |
29 | An ammeter is used to measure | Electric current |
30 | Plant that eat insects are called | Insectivorous plants |
31 | Fruits that are formed without fertilization are called | Parthenocarpic |
32 | Plants that flower only once in their lifetime are called | Mono carpic |
33 | The botanical name for rice is | Oryza Sativa |
34 | Penicillin is obtained from | Mould |
35 | The largest tree in the world is | Seguoia Gigantica |
36 | Herpetology is the study of | Reptiles |
37 | Entomology is the study of | Insects |
38 | Ornithology is the study of | Birds |
39 | Ichtyology is the study of | Fishes |
40 | Osteology is the study of | Bones |
41 | The botanical name for brinjal is | Solanum melongenal |
42 | The botanical name for onion is | Allium Cepa |
43 | The study of sound is called | Acoustics |
44 | The study of heavenly bodies is called | Astronomy |
45 | The study of tissues is called | Histology |
46 | Electric Lamp was invented by | Thomas alva Edison |
47 | The fear of crowd is called | Ochlophobia |
48 | The fear of books is called | Bibliophobia |
49 | The fear of going to bed is called | Clinophobia |
50 | The symbol of gold is | Au |
51 | The symbol of sodium is | Na |
52 | The symbol of Sr stands for | Strontium |
53 | The symbol Rb stands for | Rubidium |
54 | The symbol Md stands for | Mendelevium |
55 | Calcium sulphate is commonly called | Plaster of Paris |
56 | Sodium carbonate is commonly called | Washing Soda |
57 | Sodium chloride is commonly known as | Common Salt |
58 | The chemical name of Chloroform is | Trichloromethane |
59 | The chemical name of baking powder is | Sodium bicarbonate |
60 | The chemical name of bleaching powder is | Calcium hypochlorite |
61 | The formula HCL stands for | Hydrochloric Acid |
62 | The formula H2SO4 stands for | Sulphuric Acid |
63 | The formula CHCI3 stands for | Trichloromethane |
64 | The formula H2O2 stands for | Hydrogen peroxide |
65 | A fungus which can only survive on other living organisms is called | Obligate Parasite |
66 | A plant which lives in the dark is called | Scotophyte |
67 | A plant adapted to live in dry places is called a | Xerophyte |
68 | A plant adapted for growth in water is called a | Hydrophyte |
69 | Bifocal lens was invented by | Benjamin Franklin |
70 | Cement was invented by | Joseph Aspdin |
71 | Laser was invented by | Dr.Charles H.Townes |
72 | Electromagnet was invented by | William Sturgeon |
73 | Rayon was invented by | Sir Joseph Swann |
74 | Thermostat is an instrument used for regulating | Constant temperature |
75 | The science of organic forms and structures is known as | Morphology |
76 | Phycology is the study of | Algae |
77 | Tata Institute of Fundamental Research was established in | 1945 |
78 | CSIR stands for | Council of Scientific and Industrial Research |
79 | ISRO stands for | Indian Space Research Organisation |
80 | The first human being to land on moon was | Neil Armstrong |
81 | The first Indian in space was | Rakesh Sharma |
82 | ISAC stands for | ISRO Satellite Centre |
83 | VSSC stands for | Vikram Sarabhai space Centre |
84 | The headquarters of ISRO is located at | Bangalore |
85 | VSSC is located at | Thiruvananthapuram |
86 | ISAC is located at | Bangalore |
87 | National Science Centre is located at | New Delhi |
88 | Central Tobacco Research Institute is located at | Rajahmundry |
89 | Indian Institute of Horticultural Research is located at | Bangalore |
90 | The Atomic Energy Commission was set up in | August 1948 |
91 | The first IndianSatellite was | Aryabhatta |
92 | The first Indian Satellite was launched in the year | 1975 |
93 | ASLV stands for | Augmented Satellite Launch Vehicle |
94 | INSAT stands for | Indian National Satellite |
95 | The fear of women is known as | Gynophobia |
96 | The fear of men is known as | Androphobia |
97 | The scientist who developed the Quantum theory was | Max Plonck |
98 | The steam engine was invented by | James Watt |
99 | The botanical name of tea is | Camellia Sinensis |
100 | Logarithms were devised by | John Napier |
101 | The acid used in a car battery is | Sulphuric acid |
102 | The system for writing by blind people was invented by | Louis Braille |
103 | The parachute was used for the first time by | J.P.Blanchard |
104 | The German physicit who first demonstrated the existence of Radio waves was | Henrich Hertz |
105 | The instrument that records the intensity of earthquakes is | Seismograph |
106 | The laws of floating bodies was discovered by | Archimedes |
107 | The density of milk is measured by a | Lactometer |
108 | Fountain pen was invented by | L.E.Waterman |
109 | The instrument used to measure the pressure of gases is the | Monometer |
110 | Bhaskara I was a famous | Astronomer |
111 | The first atomic power station established in India was the | Tarapore Atomic Power Station |
112 | The role of heredity was demonstrated by | Mendel |
113 | The instrument used to measure the concentration of salt water is the | Salinometer |
114 | Spectroscopy is the study of | Anders John Angstrom |
115 | Dactylography is the study of | Finger Prints |
116 | A tangent galvanometer is used to study the | Strength of direct current |
117 | The fruit of Oak is called | Acron |
118 | ZETA stands for | Zero Energy Thermonuclear Assembly |
119 | The formula C6H5OH stands for | Phenol |
120 | Michael Faraday worked as an assistant under another scientist whose name was | Sir Humphry Davy |
121 | Vulcanised rubber was invented by | Charles Goodyear |
122 | The symbol Zn stands for | Zinc |
123 | The symbol He stands for | Helium |
124 | Celluloid was invented by | A.Parker |
125 | Glider was invented by | Sir George Caley |
126 | Safety matches was invented by | J.E.Lundstrom |
127 | Radio valve was invented by | Sir J.A.Fleming |
128 | Space Applications Centre is located at | Ahmedabad |
129 | Atomic Energy Commission is located at | Mumbai |
130 | Dynamics is the study of | Movements of bodies |
131 | Statics is the study of | Forces acting on bodies at rest |
132 | Mechanics is the study of | Forces acting on bodies |
133 | Zoology is the study of | Animal life |
134 | Botany is the study of | Plant life |
135 | Psychology is the study of | Human mind |
136 | The first American to orbit earth was | John H.Glen |
137 | The electro-cardiograph was invented by | William Einthoven |
138 | The molecular formula of cane sugar is | C12H22O11 |
139 | A compound which contains only hydrogen and Carbon is called a | Hydrocarbon |
140 | The liquid used to preserve specimens of plans and animals is | Formalin |
141 | The law of segregaton was propounded by | Mendel |
142 | Auriscope is used to detect | Ear disorders |
143 | The three states of matter are | Solid,liquid and gas |
144 | The scientific name for blood platelets is | Thrombocytes |
145 | The response of a plant to heat is called | Thermotropism |
146 | The response of a plant to touch is called | Trigmotropism |
147 | The symbol Zr stands for | Zirconium |
148 | Nickel was discovered by | Cronstledt |
149 | Manganese was discovered by | Gahn |
150 | The common name for pottasium carbonate is | Potash |
151 | Bismuth was discovered by | Valentine |
152 | The biggest plant seed is | Cocodemer |
153 | Toxicology is the study of | Poisons |
154 | Virology is the study of | Viruses |
155 | Paleontology is the study of | Fossils |
156 | Calorimeter is used to measure | Quantity of heat |
157 | Chronometer was invented by | John Harrison |
158 | Stethoscope was invented by | William Stockes |
159 | Spinning frame was invented by | Sir Richard Arkwright |
160 | Al stands for | Aluminium |
161 | Gd stands for | Gadolinium |
162 | Ir stands for | Iridium |
163 | Bi stands for | Bismuth |
164 | The Chemical formula of sodium bicarbonate is | NaHCO3 |
165 | The chemical formula of common salt is | Nacl |
166 | The chemical formula of washing soda is | Na2CO3,IOH2O |
167 | The chemical formula of lime soda is | CaCO3 |
168 | The chemical formula of chloroform is | CHcl3 |
169 | The study of grasses is known as | Agrostology |
170 | The study of antiquities is known as | Archaeology |
171 | The study of the duration of life is known as | Chronobiology |
172 | The study of bacteria is known as | Bacteriology |
173 | Nylon was invented by | Dr.Wallace H.Carothers |
174 | Electric razor was invented by | Jacob Schick |
175 | The symbol of silver is | Ag |
176 | The symbol of silicon is | Si |
177 | The symbol of titanium is | Ti |
178 | Calcium oxide is commonly known as | Quick lime |
179 | A deviation of light passing from one medium to another is known as | Refraction |
180 | An apparatus for generation of atomic energy is called a | Reactor |
181 | A machine used for converting mechanical energy into electrical energy is called a | Generator |
182 | The first Indian woman in space was | Kalpana Chawla |
183 | The revolver was invented by | Samuel Colt |
184 | The refrigerator was invented by | J.Perkins |
Some Quick Sciecnce GK-Inventions
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