Expected Questions for Banking Awareness:
Banking Awareness Section is
the most scoring section in IBPS Exam 2012. Students must prepare this
section thoroughly as most students don’t prepare for this section.Here
we have provided a list of 50 Most Expected Questions for Banking
Awareness Section:

1. First Governor of RBI was –
a) Hilton Young
b) Paul Samuelson
c) C.D.Deskmukh
d) O.A Smith
Ans. d) O.A Smith
2. At the time of nationalization who was the Governor of RBI-
a) O.A Smith
b) J.B Taylor
c) C.D. Deshmukh
d) K.C.Neogy
Ans. c) C.D. Deshmukh
3. The RBI was nationalized in the year –
Ans. a)1949
4. The general superintendence and director of the bank is entrusted to central board of directors of –
a)10 members
b) 20 members
c) 25 members
d)30 members
Ans. b) 20 members
5. Paper currencies of our country are issued by RBI under –
a) Section- 22 of the RBI act -1934
b) Section- 24 of the RBI act -1934
c) Section- 28 of the RBI act -1934
d) None of these
Ans. a) Section- 22 of the RBI act -1934
6. One rupee currency notes bear the signature of -
a) PM
b) President of India
c) Governor of RBI
d) Finance Secretary of India
Ans. d) Finance Secretary of India
7. Ten rupees notes bear the signature of –
a) President
b) Finance Minister
c) Secretary of Ministry of finance
d) Governor of RBI
Ans. d) Governor of RBI
8. Which of the following is the banker of the banks –
b) SBI
c) RBI
Ans. c) RBI
9. In which of the following banks one can’t open a personal account –
a) Co-Operative Banks
b) Commercial banks
c) Regional Rural Banks
d) RBI
Ans. d) RBI
10. Which of the following banks is the banker to the government –
a) SBI
c) RBI
Ans. c) RBI