Dear Friends,
This book is designed for Computer Science students taking their
GATE, GRE and other competitive examinations e.g. exams for PSUs. It
would also serve the students who want to take placement examinations
for Software firms.This book includes multiple-choice questions from the
courses offered in the undergraduate curriculum in Computer Science.
The questions are grouped subject-wise so as to cater to the needs of
students with different backgrounds. Includes 1664 MCQs in C, UNIX, OS,
Compiler Design, DBMS, C++, Computer Networks, System Software,
Software Engineering, Mathematical Foundations of Computer Sciencex,
Data Structures and Computer Graphics.Salient Features:Provides answers
to all questions;Explainsin brief the answers to all tricky questions;
Includes questions from previous years papers of GREs` subject test in
computer science. Click below link to download this eBook for free:-
MCQs In Computer Science 2nd edition by Timothy J Williams